6th July 2023 - Ondřej Gajdáček
Canada U21 celebrate gold!
Svijanska Arena 1
Canada U21 - Slovakia U21
Goals and assists
9. Dzikowicz (Simpson)
Martina Zedníková, Erica Simpson
Official game sheet
Canada U21
Jones (Glass) – Guy, Payment, Hawryshko, Tuba, Brownridge, Eaton, Lannon (C), Pugosa, Simpson, Thomas (A), Dzikowicz, Meunier-Geoffroy, Faulkner, Wilson, Hayley, Butler, Vigneau Sargeant (A), Drover, Irvine, Carnegie
Slovakia U21
Cengelová (Dráfiová, Sumegová) – Mandelíková, Taricsová, Mateičková, Klimantová (A), Nilabovičová, Klapicová, Čillíková, Macková, Cvejnová, Hambálková S. Hambálková L., Štrbáková (C), Martincová, Rybárová, Senková, Amrichová, Nemčeková, Debnárová, Čorňáková, Lopušanová (A), Golská, Pavlíková
Chris Sirovyak (CAN): ,,It was a tough game. It was a battle going back and forth. We had to stick to our defensive structure and I'm very happy that it worked out in the end for the girls."
Marián Hambálek (SVK): "I think it was a very good match. Perhaps the slightly luckier team won, but Canada definitely deserves it for the entire championship. The final was a very close game, we had plenty of chances, but they had an excellent goalkeeper. We didn't score a goal, we didn't win. We have an average age of 16 and I take my hat off to our team for fighting with heart, one player after another. I believe that this team has a lot more to achieve in the future."