4th July 2023 - Martin Rambousek
Canada U21 dominated North American derby
Svijanska Arena 1
Canada U21 - USA U21
Goals and assists
1. Vigneau Sargeant, 3. Drover (Pugosa), 15. Brownridge (Meunier-Geoffroy, Guy), 27. Drover, 31. Vigneau Sargeant (Simpson, Dzikowicz) - 35. Pushkar (Caviston), 42. Simpson
Martina Zedníková, Dagmar Mihálová
Official game sheet
Canada U21
Glass - Guy, Payment, Hawryshko, Tuba, Brownridge, Eaton, Lannon (C), Pugosa, Simpson, Thomas (A), Dzikowicz, Meunier-Geoffroy, Faulkner, Wilson, Hayley, Butler, Vigneau Sargeant (A), Drover, Irvine, Carnegie
Bergeron - Simpson, Slovensky, Catanzariti, Cunningham, Walsh (A), O'Melia, Pushkar, Schubmehl, Biagetti (A), Tedesco (C), Caviston, Hucic, Bish, Gray, Seymour, Gajor, Powell
Chris Sirovyak (CAN): „We are happy that we got the win, but we still have a lot of work to do so that we can be at our best when it matters the most."
Taylor Steadman (USA): „We started off an uphill battle that first few minutes when the Canadians scored two quick goals and then we turned it around and actually ended up winning the last period. It was a super exciting turn around, I don’t think that the score reflects how we played at all. I think we played amazing."