1st July 2023 - Štěpán Navrátil
Effectiveness lesson for USA U16, Canada West won 6-1
Home Credit Arena
Canada West U16 - USA U16
Goals and assists
13. Moore (Nel, Hamelin), 19. Blake (Gault, Atwal), 27. Nel (Hamelin), 27. Moore (Mackie), 34. Blake (Moore), 37. Anderson (Gault) – 40. Lammi (Evans)
David Gráca, Jakub Musil
Official game sheet
Canada West U16
Sobkow – Nel, Gault (C), Cavan, Correia, Francis, Blake, Hart, Fiszer – Moore, Hamelin (A), Mackie – Barker, Emsley, Gil – Gard, Atwall, Digaf – Zeeben, Lowett (A), Anderson
Bergeron (27. Moffett) – Humphries, Rennebeck (C), Bonari, Brideau, Horner, Zevola, Simon, Stahl – Morris, Joyce (A), Robb – Helbling, Nikolajski (A), Byington – Lammi, Weiner, Lippo – Moore III, Evans, Balana – Petrina
Jon Silcox (CAN): "The boys were prepared and played the best match of the tournament. The Americans deserve praise, and I wish them good luck in the match for third place. We weren't satisfied with yesterday's game against the Czechs, but we went through our notes and videos. Today, I am proud of the players, but our work is not yet done here. We need to rest and prepare ourselves."
Will Rennebeck (USA): "We thought we were well-prepared. However, we didn't play our game. Our system was failing, which is something we would like to change."