30th June 2023 - Martin Soukup
Slovakia U23 upset USA, Hryzák netted three
Home Credit Arena
Slovakia U23 - USA U23
Goals and assists
12. Polák, 29. Hryzák (Straka, Lopušan), 29. Hryzák (Straka, Kolenčík), 41. Kolenčík (Polák), 43. Straka (Hryzák, Korbáš), 45. Hryzák – 31. Garneau (Bujdos, Anesin), 32. Melillo (Tolman, Chernetskiy), 37. Anesin (Albright, Bujdos)
Vojtěch Filipiec, Michal Škrobák
Official game sheet
Slovakia U23
Balogáč – Černák, Gajdoš (A), Jenčuš, Kaščák (C), Solník, Muráň, Cifranič, Horváth, Lopušan – Korbáš, Pisarovič, Prna, Klenčík, Longauer, Hryzák, Straka, Tomovič, Polák, Zummer, Béreš, Čirč, Štefanka
O'Connel – Albert, Holman, Maloy, Melillo, (C), Ferris, Steinberg, Dickhut – Miller, Drew, Andes, Tolman, Crousy (A), Callahan, Geatens, Bujdos, Dorsey, Chernetskiy, Albright, Garneau (A), Anesin
Marián Longauer (SVK): "First, I would like to thank the guys for showing tremendous heart throughout the match that we had within our grasp. When America equalized at 3-3, we quickly regrouped, picked ourselves up, and as a result, took the lead, which we then extended. I am incredibly grateful to the players, it was fantastic."
Dan Geatens (USA): "It was a tough game. We pressed ourselves early, but we fell back in the third period. The special teams were incredible for us. We killed all penalties and scored three power play goals. Our special teams were our strongest asset, but in five-on-five situations, we need to play better. Congratulations to them; they played a great game."