28th June 2023 - Ondřej Gajdáček
Slovakia U23 triumphs over Switzerland in tournament opener
Svijanska Arena 2
Slovakia U23 - Switzerland U23
Goals and assists
6. Straka (Hryzák, Korbáš), 14. Štefanka (Kolenčík, Korbáš), 19. Štefanka (Muráň), 24. Béreš (Štefanka), 30. Jenčuš (Kaščák, Longauer) – 9. Cioffo (Vaucher), 30. Rohdewald (Wehrli)
Michael Vitello, Trevor Jarvis
Official game sheet
Slovakia U23
Fedor (Richter, Balogáč) – Černák, Gajdos (A), Jenčuš, Kaščák (C), Solník, Muráň, Cifranič, Horváth, Lopušan – Korbáš, Pisarovič, Prna, Kolenčík, Longauer, Hryzák, Straka, Tomkovič, Polák, Zummer, Béreš, Čirč (A), Štefanka
Switzerland U23
Schnyder (Chakroun, Jörg) – Fund, Iten (C), Wegmüller, Eberle, Räss, Büschi, Naga, Penzenstadler – Rohdewald, Cremer, Cioffo (A), Mballa, Vaucher, Fairclough, Tschamper, Bütikofer, Müller, Wehrli (A), Kapanek, Enzler, Lüthi
Marián Longauer (SVK): „We started the game unfocused. It's like we got on the wrong bus that's taking us to a different stop. Luckily, the boys realized that you can get off the bus. They started to play their game and scored some nice goals. We made some mistakes that cost us, but we're glad we pulled it off.“
Tibor Kapanek (SUI): „We had too much respect for the Slovaks. I think nervousness played a role. You can see that we haven't been on any international level for a long time. For a lot of players it was the first contact with such hockey. The start was not bad, but unfortunately we got unlucky goals. We are not satisfied with the result, but we can still improve.“